Blog 5

I have not yet been able to meet back with my project factorial Jim Butler since the last time i meet with him and we worked on the project and he taught me how to draw the blue prints for the irrigation systems that are going in.  We both have been so busy with work and i also have so, but over this February break i am meeting with him to work more on the project.  He is going to show me the next step of drawing on the blue prints because after a irrigation system is put in you have to go back to the site and draw out were all the pipes and wires were ran so that if in the future the clients have any work done they can show that so the people doing the work do not break a pipe or cut a wire.  He is also going to teach me more about installing the systems, one of the days is is going to show me how to run wire to the control box and wire it up correctly so that each zone turns one when it is suppose to. Also i am going to learn how to run the machines to lay the pipe under the ground and lay the pipe correctly and glue them together.

Total Time: 6 Hours 50 Minutes

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